Friday, April 28, 2017

Episode 8 - Red Mountain Mead Hall

In this episode, we discuss our recent visit to the Shire of Isenfir to attend their weekend event - the Red Mountain Mead Hall.  This was a weekend of feasting, dancing, knitting and weaving. 

We talk about what was special about this event, and the positives and negatives experienced during our visit.  Mostly, we talk about all the things that they did right as hosts and organizers. 

As we usually do, we throw a few grenades in the direction of some Thorny Theoretical Questions, hoping to touch a nerve or spark some thought on a few delicate subjects unique to the SCA.

Download the episode.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Episode 2 - Preparing For Ruby Joust

This episode was first published on May 12, 2016 - nearly a year ago.  I am re-posting this as part of a hosting migration so I can keep the links to all the episodes in one place.

In this episode, we discuss our preparations for an upcoming Kingdom-level event with the Society for Creative Anachronism called The Ruby Joust.  We talk about our experiences at this event last year, and what we'd like to change this time.

In many ways, a camping event like this one is one of the classic SCA experience.  It's a place where all the individual components of persona, garb, encampment, arts and performance all come together.

Link to download episode

Monday, April 24, 2017

Episode 3 - The Big Questions

In this episode of A Distant Campfire, we talk a little about the structure of the podcast, and frame the kinds of questions that we'd like to ask.  We continue our discussion about SCA Garb, and introduce the Thorny Theoretical Question, and the Most Medieval Moment.  Finally, we end up with the beloved "Phrase of the Day."

Check out this episode!

Episode 4 - After Ruby Joust

We discuss our reactions and experiences from attending the Ruby Joust, a weekend camping event of the Society for Creative Anachronism hosted by the Barony of Caer Mear in the Kingdom of Atlantia.
We talk about the basics of setting up an encampment, preparing and wearing our garb, our favorite activities and magical or Medieval  moments to remember.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Episode 5 - Thorny Theoretical Persona

In this episode of A Distant Campfire, we examine the concept of the Persona and how it seems central to the SCA experience.  But as we look closer, we see that it means different things to different people, particularly when we consider Pennsic, where "normal" SCA rules don't seem to apply.

We discuss the tension between living in a kingdom within the Society for Creative Anachronism and holding true to some historical place and identity. This is one of the Thorny Theoretical Questions that make the SCA such an interesting topic of discussion.

This is a short, mini-episode in the run-up to our leaving for Pennsic.
Check out this episode!

Episode 6 - The Ivory Tower

Christophilos Airetokos, Anne Whatley, Octavo
We discuss the SCA Winter University in the Kingdom of Atlantia, and the way it affects our participation in the Society for Creative Anachronism.  After our recent visit to the Winter University we talk about what it is that the university offers that might be different from a more conventional SCA event.  This discussion is rife with what we consider to be thorny theoretical questions, and is offered in a spirit of discovery, rather than criticism.

What is it about the University that appeals to us, and how can we harness its creative energy throughout the year?

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Episode 7 - The Ides of March

This episode, we talk about the transition from winter SCA events to the beginning of the spring and summer camping event season.  We also wrap up our discussion about the role of the University in the SCA, and how it has inspired us.

MP3 download link:  Episode 7 - The Ides of March

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